Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why am I having such a hard time?

Amazingly enough I have found that just about everyone has a theory why I haven't had a baby yet, none of which have been a bit helpful. I have been told that it's just not the right time for us. I think, "well, how is it the right time for the many other people who don't plan on pregnancy, on drugs, or any of the many other problems that can often surround conception?"

I have also been told that it is because I am overweight. This is the most offensive to me, especially since I have several friends who are obese that have given birth to several children. There is the alternate to this, that it is a lack of exercise, or bad eating habits.

All of these suggest that I am somehow completely in control over my fertility, and that I choose to not get pregnant, or I choose to miscarry.

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