But not for the reason that you may be thinking. I am blown away at least once a month to find out that yet another one of my friends/family members is pregnant, yet again. I am not even surprised that they are pregnant, because their last child is almost two, so naturally it is now time for them to pop out another one. My question is, "How on earth do they do that?"
My Mom and Sister both had all of their children as unplanned pregnancies. No joke. Everytime they got pregnant they were using a birth control of some sorts, and sometimes several types at the same time. No choice in the matter, just happened.
Me, on the other hand, can't get pregnant to save my life, and the 2 miraculous times that I have succeeded to get pregnant ended in tears and a miscarriage.
So, how do these women get pregnant exactly at the time that they want to? Are their prayers just better than mine? Are they doing something that I haven't figured out yet? I just can't comprehend how they do it! Maybe that will be my first question for God when I die.