Gross topic I know, but I will explain. I never thought that I would be getting excited over a period, but here we are, blogging about it! My whole life I have had irregular menstrual cycles. When I was younger, I would average 4/year. Since I was 21, they have occured about once every three weeks. Both pregnancies that I had were quite miraculous, happening when we least expected it. (Since the last miscarriage we decided to quit expecting it, and maybe it would happen again, but my body doesn't fall for such tricks!)
Over the summer I began suffering from severe migraines, evening resulting in me having to get a CT scan to make sure everything was ok. By my Mom's "suggestion", (As if we really have any choice when Mom is determined, right?) I went to see a NUCCA doctor. I don't know what all of the letters stand for, but they are chiropractors that specialize in straightening out the first two vertabra, the Atlas, and Axis. Well, not only did my headaches go away from my doctor's treatments, but my cycles have become regular as a result, which is bittersweet because of the delightfully painful cramps that accompanied the change!
Now, as I have gone from having periods once every 20 days or so to having a 25 day cycle, to a 28 day cycle, to now a 32 day cycle with regular bleeding, the normal sadness of yet another month that I am not pregnant is paled in the excitement of having a regular cycle. Yea! The excitement is almost overwhelming! Maybe we will have another option for creating our family!
This has been just one of the bright spots that urge us along in our endeavors to create our family. Our next move is to have professional pictures done of our little family so that we can update our Adoption profile and hopefully improve our chances of adopting. Here's to hope, and a normal period!